
Concord Floral recognized by KCACTF

Concord Floral, by Jordan Tannahill, was turned into a digital production by CSU Theatre in Fall 2020. Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival representative, Mace Archer — artistic director and theatre instructor at Mt. Hood Community College — adjudicated the production. The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) is a national theater program, with more than 20,000 […]

How I Learned to Drive 2020 group photo

How I Learned to Drive recognized by KCACTF

How I Learned to Drive, by Paula Vogel, was the last production hosted at the University Center for the Arts in 2020. Before campus closed, CSU Theatre was fortunate enough to have a Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) adjudicator see the production, although the release of awards was delayed by COVID. It is better […]

Spring Dance Concert 2018 Ubuntu performance photo

Dancing in a New Light: CSU Offers New BFA in Dance

Tucked away in the Southeast corner of Colorado State University’s campus, the University Center of the Arts is home to the School of Music, Theater, and Dance – not often the programs that draw students to CSU. A very niche group of prospective students however, will be looking at CSU with new excitement and respect, […]

Concord Floral called “A Triumph”

NOTE: Concord Floral by Jordan Tannahill streams through Saturday, Dec. 19. We are living through a historically difficult time, as academics and as theatre artists. The pandemic has cut through our discipline in shocking, profound ways. Yet we can also look back at this time as a period of exciting experimentation and artistic growth, […]

Music Teaching Workshop pictured

Dr. Bonnie Jacobi to present several sessions at Elementary Music Seminar

Associate Professor of Music Dr. Bonnie Jacobi, is giving a series of online presentations at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas in late Jan., 2021. The sessions are designed specifically for current music teachers and students. January 28, 2021 – “Connecting the Ear, Mind & Body! Building Musicians and Music-Lovers through Dalcroze Eurhythmics” (for HSU students) […]

CSU Marching Band 2014 Parade of Lights performance

CSU Marching Band participates in the 2021 Virtual 9News Parade of Lights

“The 9NEWS Parade of Lights…that’s always been something we look forward to at the end of the season. Having that sense of pride and that sense of purpose has been really nice for everybody.” — Preston Dunton, Drum Major “It means a lot to us to get to still be a part of the Parade […]

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Music professor releases album of contemporary clarinet music composed and performed by colleagues

Colorado State University clarinet professor, Wesley Ferreira, has released an album featuring selections of clarinet music by composer James M. David; Dr. David is the composition professor for the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Contemporary Clarinet Music was released on the OClassica European classical music record label. There are a host of Ferreira’s CSU […]

dancer in museum

CSU Dance collaborations continue during the pandemic

CSU Dance is collaborating with areas and faculty members across the University Center for the Arts on a new digital project. Judy Bejarano, long time CSU Dance faculty, artistic director of Impact Dance Company, and recipient of the 2020 Legends of Dance in Colorado award is creating a film titled “She” that will be included […]

Fall Dance Concert 2019 Letters to Theo performance photo

CSU Dance instructor Judy Bejarano celebrated as “Legend of Dance”

Annual award celebrates dancers making an impact in Colorado. CSU dance instructor Judy Bejarano has received the 2020 Legends of Dance in Colorado award, which honors individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to dance in the state. She was presented with the award during a virtual ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 25. Since 2004, the […]